Friday, February 12, 2016

Elements of Design Post

Line-This movie poster is a good example of line because of the road in the background makes it
look like its a never ending road.

Colour-This poster shows colour because the black makes the colour wave stand out

Shape- This graphic design shows shape because the shape makes it look like a curving tunnel that's
coming to a end.

Texture- This picture is a good example of texture because you can almost feel the cracks and the
rough bricks making a wall

Form-This movie poster shows form because the blue of the Avater face looks like it's 3d

Space-This movie poster is a good example of space because its a astronaut is floating farther away
from earth

Value-This poster is a good example of value because at the bottom it's dark and as it goes up it get
lighter making it the more its at the bottom is dark then the top

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on your element examples, Josh! Be just a little more specific on your descriptions! Well done! 9/10
