Monday, June 20, 2016


Your task: Invent a breakfast cereal based on a theme (zombies, animals, tv show, etc). You will need to create an identity for this new product by creating a product logo, slogan and photographic advertisement for a billboard.

Step #1: Brainstorm cereal ideas, record 5-10 ideas on a page that you will submit.

-zombie heads cereal
-blue flakes
-car cereal
-turbo shape cereal
-energy cereal,monster logo cereal
- cereal turns milk green
-lz cereal
-red bull wings cereal
-cereal (milk included)
-nos shape cereal box 

Step #2: Choose an idea from Step #1 and elaborate about the new product by answering the following questions:

  • what does the cereal look like
The cereal looks like the flakes in the frosted flakes

  • what does it taste like?
It will taste like the corn flakes cereal
  • who is your target audience for this product?
The target audience is for anyone that eats cereal
  • how expensive is this product?
This Product is going to cost $5
  • what makes it different or appealing?
The Colour of the box makes it appealing

Step #3: Brainstorm 3 new names for this product.  Brainstorm 3 slogans for your new product. Keep a record of this on your planning pages.

-Wake up call

-green cereal 


Step #4: Using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, create a logo for your new product.  Remember to keep your logo simple, informative and limited to 3 colours.

Step #5: Use Adobe Photoshop to create the front of the cereal box, showing the cereal in a bowl and using the logo and slogan you created.

Step #6: Hand-in all parts of the project, see checklist…

-cereal box design as a .jpeg and .psd 
-logo design as a .jpeg and .ai (or .psd)
-planning pages with brainstorming from Step #3 and Step #1
-written answers to questions in Step #2

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