Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Media Arts Assignment 1 Webisodes

Question #1  
What topic did you chose to explore?  


Question #2  
Why did you chose this topic - was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it?
-I chose this topic because I like to watch webisodes on youtube. it was previous interest because I watch a you tuber that posts webisodes of him going to places and biking.

Question #3 
What are 3 examples of where you would find this type of media in your everyday life?


Question #4  
Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach- mothers, kids, students, wealthypoor, etc.)?
-using my chosen visual aid The target audience is anyone that watches any TV, or stream. They are looking for people that like what ever webisodes they are making,
 like walking dead. "They are looking for people that like zombies"

Question # 5 
 Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent your chosen topic?
-I chose the specific visual aid because I think a lot of people like to watch webisodes like me. when your at home and there isn't anything on T.V you could watch webisodes instead of watching something you don't like.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I would like to know a little more about webisodes - what makes them different from tv episodes? Why are they not on TV? 8/10
