Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Principles of Design poster

Balance-This is a good example of balance because the Colours goes from bright Colour to lighter
Colour until it gets to a white Colour

Movement-this is a good example of movement because it shows the movement of the water moving

Emphasis-This is a good example of Emphasis because the one person is yellow what stands out
from everyone else 


Unity-This is a good example of Unity because its the relationship with the elements of a visual that helps all the elements work together

Variety-This is a good example of Variety because it shows all the different sizes of lines and the
different Colours

1 comment:

  1. You might want to check your formatting here, Josh. I can't view the picture for contrast and there's a lot of space on the bottom. The balance picture could be a little stronger - it's not entirely clear what the balance is. Take your time to understand the principles from the powerpoint. :) Good effort. 7/10
